Ranger The Brindle Labrador Retriever

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Sorry it’s been a while I took a short holiday to Colorado for a little snowboarding. While I was gone I got a few a lot more pictures of Brindle and Black and Tan Labrador Retrievers. These images are from one of our readers who found out her dog, Ranger was a purebred Labrador Retriever after getting a DNA test done. You can see Jenny’s full comment in the comment section of our Brindle Labrador Retriever post.
Here are the pictures of Ranger along with the email I received about him:
Ranger The Brindle Labrador Retriever
Ranger The Brindle lab Puppy

Brindle lab Puppy Days


Ranger unwinding on the Grass

Ranger Barking

Thanks for sending me your e-mail so I can show off Ranger to everybody. here are some pictures of him. The first two are from when we first adopted him. He was about 10-12 weeks old. The third is a few months later. The last two are from 2007, so Ranger would have been about 3 years old then. let me tell you about Ranger. You can edit as much of this as you’d like, of course. Ranger was adopted from the North shore animal league here on long Island in 2004. As soon as we laid eyes on him, we knew he was the pet dog for us, so we went ahead and brought him home to a somewhat bewildered pair of cats. There was no problem introducing them. everybody got along just fine.
Ranger’s training was just about as basic an operation as any pet dog owner would ever want to have. He was housetrained within one week, and learned the basic commands of sit, stay, down and come within only a day or two. On the recommendations of, well, everybody, we tried training him with a cage, but he hated it, my spouse hated it, and I hated it. I’d never trained a pet dog like that before and I probably won’t try it ever again. I’ll stick to what I know how to do.

When our family went up to our lake house in Pennsylvania soon after we got him, he did not hesitate one second before jumping ideal in and swimming out to the boat filled with my spouse and kids for a day of fishing. He spent that day curled up in the boat and taking occasional dips to amazing off and get a drink. He was about 15 weeks old then, but to this day he won’t let the boat leave without him.
As I mentioned, we live on long Island, so there are plenty of squirrels to chase, and chase them he does, but not before going through a rather catlike stalking which includes a picture best “point” stance. In addition, my spouse does hunt, and has taken him on a few hunting trips. He has done very well in the field, though hubby and I are not really sure how to train a pet dog for hunting. It doesn’t seem to matter that we’re incompetent, ’cause the pet dog does exactly what he’s told to do and doesn’t crush the game in his mouth. He is utterly unafraid of the gunshot.

Our house in not empty too typically (I am a stay-at-home mom), but there has been no problem leaving him at home alone. He is not destructive in the least. but if someone IS home…Ranger will be with him. Whenever we’re around, the pet dog is somewhere close by and typically falls asleep on your feet (like he’s doing ideal now while I’m typing this). He gets along wonderfully with our cats and is friendly and gregarious with other dogs and people.
That is not to say that he isn’t protective of his family. He intensely dislikes it when the kids shout at each other or fight. must they begin a tussle, Ranger will get between them and bark. If the smoke alarm goes off (like when we’re broiling something), he barks like crazy and always gets a treat for his exceptional supplementary alarm system.
All in all, he’s a terrific pet dog and we couldn’t be happier with him. This whole “what’s my dog” thing has been a lot of fun for our family, and now that we know what he is, it’s also been very interesting, too!
Hope you like the pictures of our terrific dog. I don’t know what we’d do without him.
PS: Ranger does do one odd thing: He eats like a cat. What I indicate is, when his food is put down for him, he doesn’t do what a lot of dogs do, namely scarf the whole thing up in about two seconds. No…he eats a few bites and walks away from his bowl, coming back throughout the day to graze. When he is finished, he picks up his bowl and carries it to us for a refill. I’ve never seen this behavior in a pet dog before.

If you’d like to read a lot more about Brindle and Black and Tan Labrador Retrievers check out these articles:
Brindle and Black and Tan Labrador Retrievers
Black and Tan Labrador Retrievers
Brindle Labrador Retrievers
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