Stop Your dog from Pulling You on Walks

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Leash pulling is common among many dogs, and it is usually just a sign of curiosity. However, if you are a dog owner you know that pulling during a nice leisurely walk can be annoying. but did you  know that pulling can also be detrimental to your dog’s health? When your dog pulls you, it’s common to correct him or her. but tight collars on your pet’s neck can pinch and cause harm. Also, the harder you pull back the more your pet wants to push through. Therefore, your dog may develop anxiety due to the constant corrections, which can lead to fearfulness of walking altogether.

If your dog develops leash anxiety, it’s probably safe to say he or she will stop wanting to go for walks with you. and that’s not what dog walking is all about. It is supposed to be fun, and a terrific time for you to bond with  your pooch! That’s why the makers of Thundershirt created a leash called ThunderLeash that helps pet owners with leash-pulling dogs. once ThunderLeash is configured correctly, it creates a harness that provides constant pressure around your dog’s torso – just like a calming hug. This constant pressure reduces your dog’s anxiety and prevents him or her from pulling you, which is much better than being dragged around the block.

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