Leo is spoiled

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Leo is truly spoiled. It’s a running joke that Leo has one
of the very best life’s a canine might have, however doesn’t everybody state that about their
pup? He may not get all the treats he wants (he’s already 93 lbs, he doesn’t
need any type of additional treats), however he sure does have all the toys as well as all the

Throughout Leo’s life so far, he has yet to spend a full
(work) day house alone. When he was younger as well as I couldn’t count on him to behave
while in meetings, I would take him house or pick him up at lunch time. As he
grew out of that, he’s because come to work with me daily unless a doctor’s
appointment kept me from staying in the office all day. On days when he can’t
come to work with me, Erich will take him to his office or we will decrease Leo off
at daycare so he can play with other dogs all the time long.

Because Leo doesn’t spend all of his time in one place, he
has 3x the amount of toys than he typically would if he didn’t leave the house.
At both of our offices, Leo has a bit basket of his preferred toys that he
likes to play with daily. At house he has a big basket that he absolutely
loves to empty out each evening (especially best after I’ve chosen them all
up). If anybody has any type of suggestions on training Leo to pick up his own toys, I’m all

Even with all the toys, Leo still likes to get his
attention. Unless Leo is sleeping, he’s searching for some scratches or wants
to play the “look at this toy I brought you. No touch. only look” game.

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