Daisy discusses birds, bees as well as bugs

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Thursday was the very first day of Spring, my preferred season. There are great deals of fantastic things about Spring: it’s not as well hot as well as not as well chilly and, finest of all, there are great deals of birds as well as BUGS! since we’re celebrating springtime, I decided to put on my fanciest feather as well as insect-adorned hat. It’s pretty, right?

Bugs are fun to chase, they’re crunchy, as well as they taste a bit bit delicious. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to catch bugs using this chapeau since I have to stand still as a statue to keep my hat balanced on my bit head (but the chin-strap helps).

Even though this isn’t a bug-catching hat, I can still eat some tasty treats! Hmmm, perhaps I don’t have to stand still as a statue after all…

PS: right here is an important piece of advice for all cats as well as dogs–stay far, far away from bugs that look such as this one. They have a needle that can provide you a poor sting! Also, fleas are No Good. If you pick up some fleas this Spring, ask your mom or dad to put some flea medicine on you.

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